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We wish Peter a long and happy Retirement…

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

On Monday 31st July we are saying goodbye to our longest serving employee at our Speke site. Over an incredible 21 years, Production Operative Peter Trelford has retired from his role at Dugdale Nutrition.

Matthew Dugdale (Left) with Peter Trelford (Right)

When Peter first started at the Speke site in Liverpool, it was then owned by B Tickles & Sons, which then became Dugdale Nutrition and Peter worked here throughout that transition period. He is a valuable member of the production team at Speke, he makes everyone smile and nobody has a bad word to say about him.

We held a buffet for Peter in the Speke conference room on Friday 28th to celebrate his time and to wish him the best in his retirement.

Peter is very knowledgeable around the Speke Mill, if there is anything that anyone would need to know about how it runs or how to fix it, he will be the person to talk to about it. Replacing Peter will be a very tough task.

Memories and thanks from colleagues

Peter Trelford has been with us at Speke for over 21 years, he has been an integral part of our team over those years. Peter is one of those guys that would do anything asked of him and is loved by all at Speke. He has a wicked sense of humour, and his Knowledge of music is second to none.

When I told him last week that I was going to see The Who, he replied “no you’re not, you are going to see, 2 of The Who, a brother of one of The Who, and the son of a Beatle, but you are getting better because last year you went to see an Eagle, maybe one day you might see a whole band”.

When Peter told me he was retiring my first thought was how do I replace him, but thinking about it Peter has more than earned his retirement an absolute stalwart at Speke, never had a day off Sick in my memory, and has never been late considering he uses public transport that is quite some achievement on its own. I could go on and on with stories of Peter, but I will leave it with just wising him, good health and happiness from all of us at Dugdale’s. - Speke Production Manager Will Floyd

Peter is one of the nicest guys you can ever meet, and we all enjoy his sense of humour. It would be very hard to get Peter to take holidays as he would never take them. He always has a smile on his face whenever you see him. If there was anything that we needed him to do, he would always be willing to help out. I wish Peter a long and happy retirement - Speke Production Operative Colin Dyer.

Me and Peter have worked together for just shy of 13 years and Peter was one of the first I met here and he has ever since been the one person to make me enjoy my time here. In my whole career, Perter is one of, it not the best lads I have ever had the chance to work with. He is funny, hard working and the stories he comes out with have you in stiches laughing with his dry humour, a lot of his stories aren't PG enough to share. He will be sorely missed here, both as a colleague and a friend to everyone. I would want to wish Peter the best in his retirement, he truly deserves it. - Speke Production Supervisor Wayne Sellers

May we take this opportunity to sincerely thank Peter for the many loyal years of service to Dugdale Nutrition. You are very fondly thought of by the entire Dugdale family and you will be missed by your colleagues.

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