The overall aim of this guidance is to ensure that animal feed deliveries to farms are maintained through the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
This information has been prepared by The AIC, taking into consideration the latest information available from AHDB and other official sources, including Public Health England.
We need to know if the customer, or anyone else on the farm is in self isolation or has shown symptoms of COVID-19 at the point of ordering.
We request up to date / preferred contact details for someone on farm and email addresses (where possible).
The following information is required about the delivery points for the feed that has been ordered:-
Bin numbers
Bag delivery points
Other delivery points
Special information
Customers should leave signage to indicate the location where they want the feed if the delivery point is not obvious.
Customers should be aware that a strict 2 meter separation gap from the driver must be maintained.
Customers should be aware that the driver may leave any disposable PPE, worn at the site, in line with existing biosecurity protocols for animal disease outbreaks.
We politely ask that changes to people’s health on the premises, between feed being ordered and delivery, is communicated to Dugdale Nutrition.
Customers must wherever possible disinfect and clean surfaces or areas around and on the delivery points where various people have or will come into contact with them.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding during this difficult time. All DN Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates can be found on our dedicated COVID-19 Update Page.