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Writer's pictureDugdale Nutrition

SiloSolve® FC Inoculant For Improved Fermentation & Aerobic Stability...

SiloSolve® FC has consistently yielded silage preferred by dairy cows. SiloSolve® FC promotes rapid, controlled fermentation and ensures that dry matter and nutrients from the field are preserved and available for your cows.

  • Rapidly established anaerobic environment

  • Improved aerobic stability and dry matter recovery

  • Contains exclusive Oxycap® Technology

SiloSolve® FC improves stability - even at early feed out

L. buchneri normally produces acetic acid after 56 days of ensiling. With SiloSolve® FC, acetic acid production has been observed on day two of ensiling maize silage and as a result improved aerobic stability even after a short fermentation time. In alfalfa silage aerobic stability was improved by 13 days. (See Graph 1).

SiloSolve® FC improves aerobic stability while improving dry matter recovery

SiloSolve® FC is a unique, dual-action inoculant that improves aerobic stability and at the same time improves dry matter recovery over a broad range of dry matter and forages. While SiloSolve® FC increased aerobic stability up to 30 days in university trials, dry matter recovery across crops was improved an average of 3.5% points compared to untreated silages. (See Graph 2).

What's inside SiloSolve® FC?

This novel combination* facilitates rapid establishment of anaerobic conditions and improves fermentation to inhibit yeast and mould growth, resulting in improved aerobic stability at feed out.

Lactococcus lactis (0.224)

This is a highly effective oxygen scavenger that removes oxygen from the clamp in a matter of hours. This massively reduces the growth of yeasts and moulds.

Lactobacillus buchneri (LB1819)

This produces acetic acid killing 98% of yeasts and 94% of moulds.

*Remember that the combination of bacteria in SiloSolve® FC is not available in any other inoculant range and have been proven to be highly effective in a number of published scientific studies.

For more information about SiloSolve® FC, contact your DN Sales Specialist,

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