Dugdale Nutrition are proud introduce PJ68 OSR, a Scania G Series 450, which currently has a Priden rear steer, tri-axle, Holmes bulk blower trailer behind with 5 partitions.

This vehicle has been with us for 4 years and since new, she is been driven by one of our day shift drivers, Russ Styles. When Russ left school he went straight into a 3 1/2 year apprenticeship to become a self-employed Carpenter & Joiner. In 2011 Russ then set out to follow in his father's footsteps to become a wagon driver, starting out working for S Ollerton's in Chorley for 6 years, then for T&J Haulage for 4 years, before joining the DN Transport team in November 2021, as a raw material driver, driving a DAF wagon. Soon after starting, Russ proudly found his place behind the wheel of PJ68 OSR.

PJ68 OSR has covered in excess of 379,000km over her 4 years with Dugdale Nutrition, just under 87,000 of those kilometres with Russ at the helm, whilst delivering and collecting over 40,000 tonnes of raw materials, bulk blown feed to farm and bags, up to now.
Here's just a few of Russ' own photo's of PJ68 OSR...
Russ has been with us for less than 12 months, he has fitted into the team well with a very 'can do' attitude! Another vital member of the team." - Dan Brown, Transport Manager.