The overall aim of this guidance is to ensure that collections and deliveries from supplier to DN Mills are maintained through the current COVID -19 situation.
With an increased seasonal demand for feed, the need to maintain capacity through this supply chain is crucial. This information has been taken from the AHDB guidance for combinable crop deliveries and collections dated the 20th March which has been collated by industry working groups and trade associations.
The NFU have produced a comprehensive set of guidance and helpful information for growers that can be found on their website.
Key points from the NFU are as follows:
• Visitors, deliveries and collections on farm: Avoid direct contact with new entrants on farm. Ensure hands are washed thoroughly before new entrants come onto the farm and use of PPE where necessary.
• Ensure that all surfaces that may be shared by entrants onto the farm are cleaned before and after use to prevent spread of the virus.
• Consider biosecurity protocols such as cleaning types of equipment which uses hands.
• Communal rooms and toilets for farm staff- ensure there are handwashing facilities available.
• It is important where possible that we, the supply chain, work together. In the event grain lorry capacity is tightened, if your business is able to give flexibility for grain loading times this will help ease tightness.
The Road Haulage Association have produced specific guidance for staff in the transport sector. Key points from this document are outlined below:
• Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your standard cleaning products, this includes areas inside the cab and any external areas that are at risk of contact by third parties.
• Use facilities at end destination for washing hands and sanitising.
• Follow all rules and instructions given at the end-receiver site.
• Ensure all contact with third parties follows official government guidance when en-route to end destination.
Observe notices which indicate keeping a minimum of 2 metres distance from other personnel.
All incoming vehicles will report to the weighbridge window.
Only one driver at a time will be dealt with at the weighbridge window. Please be patient and await someone coming to the window.
Please use the intercom if there is one fitted.
Present your paperwork to the DN representative, this will be passed through the window.
If you are bringing in cereals, then further instructions will be given to you to obtain a representative sample to be brought back to the weighbridge office to be tested.
Instructions will be given along with PPE to undertake this.
Pass your paperwork through the window. A phone call will be made to the relevant tipping location to confirm your arrival and details to determine where to tip/route your load. Details of load to be inputted onto DSL or made out on the DN Tare Ticket.
A detailed sample bag will be prepared to take with you to obtain a sample of the load which will be placed in the appropriate sample store (Clitheroe at the control room) (Speke back to the weighbridge office).
You will be given your tipping location. Please refrain from making contact with other people on site and maintain a 2-meter distance.
Blend Shed only please stop in your vehicle at the entrance until a Blend Shed Operative acknowledges you and then move to the relevant bay to tip.
Mill only await site specific instructions to tip. Once tipped, please return to the weighbridge to be tared out. Duplicate paperwork and Tare Ticket to be passed back to you through window.