Dugdale Nutrition are proud to sponsor Bentham Auction Mart's May Spring Lamb Shows on Wednesday 12th, 19th & 26th May. Prizes for the Best Pair of Spring Lambs. With Bentham's Wednesday sheep sales being notorious in the country already, needless to say they are attracting over 1000 spring lambs for their show and sale already. With COVID-19 restrictions easing we have been able to attend the first two shows in person to show our support, adhering to current guidelines.
Wednesday 19th May saw a fantastic entry of 1007 Spring Lambs which 'sold to an outstanding trade with top quality lambs in high demand' - Stephen Dennis. Charlotte Bowser achieved both 1st and 2nd prize for her pairs of Beltex x lambs weighing 44kg & 40kg realising £193 & £196.50. Pictured below is Charlotte Bowser with her 1st Prize Pair of Spring Lambs.
For the full sale report from Wednesday 19th May please follow the link below...